Swansea Stained Glass Archive | Archif Gwydr Lliw Abertawe

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The artworks on this Catalogue are subject indexed using the Iconclass Classification System.

0Abstract, Non-representational Art
11D121cross as symbol of Christ
11D1311lamb bearing cross or banner, 'Agnus Dei' - symbol of Christ
11D324'Salvator Mundi', making a blessing gesture; an orb in his hand or at his feet
11D3271Christ as Good Shepherd
11D422the Sacred Heart
11F23upright figures of Mary without the Christ-child
11F41Madonna: Mary standing (or half-length), Christ-child close to her bosom
11H(ANDREW)St Andrew, apostle
11H(AUGUSTINE)St Augustine, bishop of Hippo
11H(CYNIDR)St Cynidr
11H(DAVID)St David
11H(JOSEPH)St Joseph of Nazareth, foster-father of Christ
11H(PATRICK)St Patrick
11H(PAUL)Paul of Tarsus, apostle
11H(PETER)St Peter, apostle and first bishop of Rome
11H(VALENTINE)St Valentine
11HH(CECILIA)St Cecilia of Rome, virgin martyr
11HH(WINEFRIDE)St Winefride, St Gwenfrewy
11I62(DAVID)32David as musician, usually playing the harp
11I62(EZEKIEL)Ezekiel (not in biblical context)
11Q73241the Eucharist - chalice bearing the Host
12R71mask, mask-costume - American Indian ritual objects
21Cfire (one of the four elements)
21Dwater (one of the four elements)
25F27(SEAL)swimming mammals: seal
25F711(BUTTERFLY)insects: butterfly
25F75(JELLY-FISH)coelenterata: jelly-fish
25FF422dragon (large fabulous serpent, sometimes with wings and legs)
25G(+27)plants; vegetation (+ leaf)
25G1plants (in general)
25G21(PEAR)fruits: pear
25G541mushrooms - plants; vegetation
25H2landscapes with waters, waterscapes, seascapes (in the temperate zone)
25I1city-view in general, landscape with city or town
31A(+3)the (nude) human figure; 'Corpo humano' (Ripa) (+ sideview, profile)
31A(+56)the (nude) human figure; 'Corpo humano' (Ripa) (+ lying)
31A211(human) skull
31A241head (in normal upright position)
31A241(+3)head in normal upright position (+ sideview, profile)
31A241(+4)head in normal upright position (+ three-quarter view)
31A243(+3)head bent backwards (+ sideview, profile)
31A244head bent forward; bowing - postures of the head
31A54611soap-bubble - washing and bathing
31AA24(+3)postures of the head (+ sideview, profile) - female figure
31AA241(+4)head in normal upright position - female human figure (+ three-quarter view)
31AA244head bent forward; bowing - female human figure
42A3mother and baby or young child
42Bfamily - parents with their children
43C2134motorcar racing
43C593jig-saw puzzle
43C78414children's games - (playing with) train
45Bthe soldier; the soldier's life
45C13(SWORD)hacking and thrusting weapons: sword
45C19(SHIELD)protective weapons: shield
46C161automobile, car
46C24sailing-ship, sailing-boat
48A98331fleur-de-lis - ornament derived from plant forms
48C731string instruments (bowed)
48C7324cithern, mandolin, guitar, balalaika - string instruments (plucked)
48C7352horn, trumpet, cornet, trombone, tuba
48C75making music; musician with instrument
48C871actors on the screen - motion picture, film show
49L51pen (writing tool)
71A2the six days of creation
71B33111the ark - story of Noah
71B33221the dove returns with an olive-branch - story of Noah
71C124the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah: Lot and his family flee to Zoar, carrying their belongings; an angel may be showing the way
71C1241Lot's wife looks back at the city and is transformed into a pillar of salt: the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah
73A331Anna teaching Mary to read
73A6the Visitation
73B57adoration of the kings: the Wise Men present their gifts to the Christ-child (gold, frankincense and myrrh)
73B721Joseph with the Christ-child (and Mary) in his carpenter's workshop - daily life in Nazareth
73C53raising of the daughter of Jairus - miracles of Christ
73C6121Christ blessing the bread and fish brought by a boy - multiplication of loaves and fishes for a multitude of four or five thousand people - miracles of Christ
73C7224Christ blessing children brought by their mothers
73C822the lost sheep sought and found by the shepherd - parable of the good shepherd
73D24the Last Supper
73D244institution of the Eucharist, i.e. Christ showing or blessing bread (host) and/or wine
73D642crucified Christ with Mary Magdalene, who usually weeps and embraces the cross
73D82(CROWN OF THORNS)crown of thorns - instruments of the Passion
73E15the risen Christ (with wounds, but without crown of thorns), sometimes holding the cross or a banner

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